
Kina Compliments Your Current ECM Installation

Your organization may already have an installed enterprise content management (ECM) system.  Many organizations install a content management system based on a business case based on ease and control of access, standardized storage and indexing and appropriate records retention.  The goal is to ultimately create cost savings for the organization.  However, these benefits are hard to realize if manual processes precede the placement of documents into the ECM system.   Inconsistent, unclear metadata, tagging and controls lead to the same problems, within the ECM environment!   Problem not solved and the investment in the ECM system doesn’t return the financial, productivity and risk controls that were expected.  We have seen this problem again and again.

We believe that the MOST leverage you can get in realizing the benefits of content management is actually focusing on the upstream problem of organizing content consistently through rules, automation and controls, not starting with the tail end of the chain, the storage mechanism.  What this means is that, regardless of your content strategy goals, the work to change behaviors and install mechanisms that create content consistency in terms of naming/classification, tagging, indexing, and value extraction should be the first steps in your content journey.  Getting that right leads to maximum value derived from your storage aspect of your ECM installation, whether in the cloud, shared drives or in a content repository such as IBM Filenet.

But even if you already have an installation, it is not too late.  The same rules apply.  Establish automated mechanisms that can crawl your content and add the consistent tags, indexing and classification rules.   The key part is establishing what those rules are, and then implementing as much as possible using automation, vs. manual actions.

Kina can help you and organizations solve this challenge.  Our document processing and capture platform automates the labor required to name, classify and separate documents, properly index and extract values, apply tags, validate completeness, add supplemental information and place in a storage environment.   In this way we enable you to focus on the work that really matters, and scale your rules, policies and business logic to your organization.

Let’s talk.
